Magical things happen when a child is well-fed, clothed, has a safe roof over their head and can attend a good school. They become free to pursue their life’s purpose.

Nurture a dream

If you’ve been searching for a way to give back by making a difference in a vulnerable child’s life, why not become a life-long sponsor of a Macodep child in Got Osimbo, Kenya?

We have many children who’s lives could be changed by being sponsored by a generous donor like you.

Sponsoring a child at Got Osimbo involves making a long-term commitment to provide school fees, text books, clothing, meals and transport and most importantly love to a rescued child at Got Osimbo.

This is a wonderful opportunity for an individual, family, business or group to get involved and make a profound difference in the life of an underprivileged child in Kenya.

Help us sponsor these children


Orphan - Grade 4


Vulnerable - Grade 5


Vunerable - Grade 8


Vulnerable - Kindergarten



Orphan - College

Support a child’s journey

Sponsoring a child includes paying for their school fees, uniforms and text books, clothing, meals and school transport and starts at approximately $250 per month.

Sponsoring a child is a serious commitment. We screen each applicant to ensure they are a suitable to become a key figure of support in a child’s life.

If you feel you are ready to make the commitment to change a child’s life, talk to our team about sponsoring a child at Got Osimbo today!